This is the first look at HTML and setting up a basic web page.
This is a first look at setting up navigation and a contact form.
Here we were given an HTML file and made our own CSS sheet to learn how to add style to a page.
Super simple but needed. Learn to create a horizontal menu.
Using divs and CSS only, this page shows a nice little picture.
While this was much later in the class, it was our first project learning to use Bootstrap.
Our First major project. This is a full website for a made up pizza parlor.
A basic project to show how to take an image and turn it into a web page.
An introduction to JavaScript using the command prompt with a little HTML and CSS practice.
This project gets deeper into JavaScript with loops, branches, and arrays but it also might help you get rich.
Here is some elementary school fun with various functionality created using JavaScript.
This Tic Tac Toe game was created using the combined HTML, CSS, and JavaScript we learned to this point.